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To be considered a Massachusetts resident, eligible for in-state tuition, you must meet all three of these conditions:

  1. You must be a U.S. citizen, lawful immigrant, or permanent resident; or have another legal immigration status or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status
  2. You (or your parent, if you are a dependent student) must have lived in Massachusetts for the 12 months immediately before your enrollment at a state university or at the University of  Massachusetts; or for 6 months before your enrollment at a community college. You do not qualify for resident status if your only reason for living in Massachusetts during that time was to attend school here.
  3. You (or your parent, if you are a dependent student) must intend to make Massachusetts your permanent home. You may be asked to show proof of your intent to stay in Massachusetts (such as a Massachusetts driver's license, rent and utility bills, voter registration form, or income tax returns).

Steps to Apply for Residency

In order to submit your application, please follow these steps:

  1. Review the MA Rules and Regulations for Governing Residency to determine if you meet the basic criteria. The Residency In-State Eligibility Worksheet will also help to determine if you meet the in-state criteria. Please remember, In-State Tuition is a Tax Benefit to MA Permanent Residents valued at approximately $9,500 per semester. Simply living in MA and filing taxes does not automatically qualify you for In-State tuition. Nor does owning a summer or vacation property.
  2. Write a cover letter outlining your specific case for residency and clearly explain how your situation meets the requirements for the State of MA.
  3. Complete the Residency Cover Sheet, In-State Eligibility Worksheet, and Application Form
  4. Gather additional documentation that proves permanent residency and provide copies with your application.
    • Include the following documents: MA Driver’s License, MA Voters Registration, Proof of Housing in MA, MA State/Federal Tax Returns, A letter from your employer stating permanent residence in MA, Visa/Green Card Information (if applicable), Military Orders (if applicable), marriage certificate and spouse information (if applicable), moving expenses, etc.
    • If your change of residency is due to a relocation by your parent(s)/guardian, please include documentation for all members of your household including MA State/Federal Tax Returns for your parent(s)/guardian).
  5. Submit your materials in person (215 Whitmore), via mail (Office of The Bursar, 215 Whitmore Administration Building, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 181 Presidents Drive, Amherst MA 01003), or via email. If you are submitting via email, put all documents into one combined PDF file and email to @email.
  6. Please allow 3 to 6 weeks for review. Residency is a collaborative process and we often have to verify information with other offices on-campus or via an organization you list in your application. 

Common Cases for Residency and Helpful Documents

Below is a list of examples of common scenarios where students are seeking residency and the appropriate documentation used to support their claims.

Special Considerations

  • You (and your spouse and dependent students) are presumed to be Massachusetts residents if you are in the Armed Forces and stationed on active duty in Massachusetts.
  • If you are a faculty member, professional staff employee, or classified staff employee at a Massachusetts public college or university you may qualify for In-State Tuition.
  • Note: Your residency usually only matters if you enroll in an undergraduate or graduate day program. If you are a continuing education or distance learning student, you will usually pay the same rate regardless of your residency status.