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Exit Interview

Federal regulations require that borrowers complete exit counseling for loans received through the Nurse Faculty Loan Program.

You should receive a request from Heartland ECSI, our billing servicer, to complete your nurse faculty loan exit interview. If you fail to receive the request, please get in touch with the Student Loan Office directly via email at @email or call 413-545-2368

Deferment, Postponement, and Forbearance


The Public Health Service Act authorizes cancellation of up to 85% of NFLP loans for borrowers who are employed full-time as nurse faculty for four (4) consecutive years.


In the event of a borrower’s death, the loan can be canceled in full upon receipt of a certified death certificate. The certified death certificate should be mailed to the Student Loan Office. A borrower may also apply for discharge of the NFLP loan by reason in the event the borrower becomes totally and permanently disabled.