UMass ADVANCE Seeking Nominations for 2021-22 Faculty Fellows

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UMass ADVANCE is seeking applications and nominations for 2021-22 ADVANCE Faculty Fellows Program. The fellowship provides faculty members with a unique opportunity to participate in ADVANCE’s program of institutional transformation. Fellows partner with the ADVANCE Leadership Team to provide resources, recognition and relationship building necessary to help faculty collaborate successfully and feel valued and included. Fellows provide recommendations and feedback to the team about ADVANCE programming, liaise with their departments to promote ADVANCE programming, and inform ADVANCE about new and successful equity and inclusion initiatives at the department level.

The fellowship is open to all faculty who are on tenure-track or continuing appointments, regardless of where they are on their career path. Any faculty member may nominate themselves or another faculty member. Fellows should be committed to institutional transformation that advances gender equity by race/ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, nationality, and other underrepresented statuses.

ADVANCE will select one faculty member per department or academic unit to serve as the ADVANCE faculty fellow for 2021-22. The UMass ADVANCE theme next year will be the Year of Research Collaboration and Equity.

Applications and nominations are due by April 9.

To learn more, apply or nominate someone, visit

For questions contact Donna Baron at