The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Student Success Office Collaborate to Host Saundra Yauncy McGuire
The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Student Success Office are pleased to collaborate on bringing Saundra Yauncy McGuire, author of “Teach Students How to Learn,” to campus for a day of workshops with faculty, advisors and students on Thursday, Oct. 6.
This day of programming addresses a common area of focus for CTL and Student Success: helping students develop their metacognitive skills so they can succeed in college.
Events include:
- 10 to 11:30 a.m.: “Teach Students How to Learn: Metacognition is the Key!” (Faculty Audience). This session will focus on the importance of helping students acquire simple, but effective, learning strategies based on cognitive science principles. We will engage in interactive reflection activities that will allow attendees to experience strategies that can significantly improve student success by transforming students’ attitudes about the meaning of learning. For more information and to register, visit the event page.
- 3 to 4 p.m.: “Using Appreciative Advising to Help Students Excel” (Advisor Audience) This interactive session will present a discussion of appreciative advising, an advising technique developed by Jennifer Bloom. This approach has the potential to facilitate more effective academic advising of today’s students. Effectively integrating learning strategies into advising sessions will also be discussed. For more information, please visit the event page.
- 6 to 7 p.m.: “Metacognition: The Key to Academic Excellence” (Student Audience) This interactive workshop will introduce students to cognitive science-based learning strategies that help students experience meaningful, transferable learning, resulting in A’s in their courses! All students who are admitted to college have the ability to ace their courses. However, most students did not acquire effective learning strategies in high school and resort to memorizing information just before tests. This strategy usually yields poor results, with students earning grades much lower than their ability.