Computer Science and Informatics
Departmental Admission Criteria
Entry to COMPSCI/INFO DH requires applicants to have already been admitted to the Commonwealth Honors College as part of the Multidisciplinary Honors track. Applicants must have completed the requirements identified here for consideration.
Program Requirements
- 1 COMPSCI/INFO honors course any level
- 1 COMPSCI/INFO honors course 300-level or higher
- Honors Thesis or Project. Options include:
- Individually contracted: COMPSCI/INFO 499Y Honors Research and COMPSCI/INFO 499T Honors Thesis or 499P Honors Project
- Seminar: COMPSCI 691DD followed by individually contracted COMPSCI/INFO 499T or 499P Honors Thesis or Project. Note: this option is for theses or projects that will involve a substantial empirical component. See the Honors Program Director for permission to enroll in 691DD.
- The COMPSCI/INFO courses used for honors must be for COMPSCI/INFO majors, excluding "service" courses 102 and 105.
For the department's Honors Program Director's contact information, please refer to the Honors Program Director list.