
Four students engaging in class


Challenging you to find connections between academic disciplines, between theory and practice, between individual and community, and to learn to make a difference in the world.

Breadth and Depth of Study

The beginning of your CHC education focuses on Breadth of Study. It is designed to overlap with UMass General Education requirements as well as to provide common course experiences for all CHC students.

During this period, we encourage you to explore a variety of disciplines to guide you toward an honors thesis topic. Taking a range of courses allows you to expand your intellectual horizons and become exposed to different approaches, perspectives, and ways of thinking.

The later part of your CHC education focuses on Depth of Study: advanced work that emphasizes deep engagement in your major or in two or more areas of academic interest. You will enhance relationships with faculty members to develop your research or creative skills. A required thesis will be the central component of your honors work.

Curriculum Tracking Sheet

This sheet lists the CHC curriculum requirements for all CHC students who entered UMass in or after the fall 2018 semester. Any CHC students who entered UMass prior to the fall 2018 semester should consult with a CHC advisor to confirm any potential variations in curriculum requirements.