Welcome to the online directory of services, resources, policies, and procedures for Commonwealth Honors College (CHC) students. In addition to information that will help students navigate their honors experience, this handbook provides information about campus resources and who to contact for assistance.
Below is an overview of what you’ll find in this handbook. Clicking on a section heading link in the navigation to the right will take you to its corresponding handbook section. Each page contains navigation links at the bottom of the page so you can go to the previous page or to the next page. You can also jump to specific content areas using the table of contents on the right.
The information contained in the handbook is not meant to serve as a road map for Commonwealth Honors College. Your honors advising team will help you figure out your own individualized course of study, as well as the resources that are specific to your needs.
Curriculum Tracking Sheets
The curriculum requirements for all CHC students can be reviewed and tracked on CHC PATHS using Curriculum Tracking Sheets. The Curriculum Tracking Sheets students review are tied to one of two UMass entry dates, Fall 2018 to Fall 2024 and Fall 2024 or beyond. Any CHC students who entered UMass prior to the Fall 2018 semester should consult with a CHC advisor to confirm any potential variations in curriculum requirements.
Review sample Curriculum Tracking Sheets online.
Honors Student Requirements
Find information related to the CHC Terms of Agreement, CHC Good Standing Policy, and Graduation with Honors.
Learn more about the online portal developed for the Commonwealth Honors College community.
Research Resources
Learn more about resources available across the university that help students start gaining research experience.
CHC Community
Share news and announcements with the Commonwealth Honors College community. Download the Student News Release Form.
While most forms specific to CHC can be accessed via CHC PATHS, this section provides students with access to the International Scholars Program Application and the Sophomores-Serve Application.