Computer Engineering
Departmental Admission Criteria
Students must have an ECE GPA of at least 3.400 and have taken the following courses: E&C-ENG 124, 201, 202, 210, 213, 214, 231, 241 and COMPSCI 250.
Program Requirements
- E&C-ENG 371 plus the affiliated honors colloquium E&C-ENG H371
- ENGIN 351H
- Honors thesis options include:
- Individually contracted: E&C-ENG 499Y Honors Research and E&C-ENG 499T Honors Thesis or 499P Honors Portfolio (i.e. project). Final presentation requirement is satisfied by student participation at the ECE Honors Exhibition in April, including poster presentation and questions from the student's committee about the research and results.
- Thesis Seminar: HONORS 499CM and HONORS 499DM: “Uncertainty, Risk, and Decision Making” subject to (1) appropriateness of thesis topic for DH in ECE, as determined by seminar instructor and ECE Honors Program Director, and (2) student participation at the ECE Honors Exhibition in April.
- Once completed and assigned a (passing) letter grade, E&C-ENG 499Y counts as a CompE elective course. The same is true of E&C-ENG 499T and of E&C-ENG 499P.
- Once completed and assigned a (passing) letter grade, HONORS 499CM counts as an CompE elective course. The same is true of HONORS 499DM.
For the department's Honors Program Director's contact information, please refer to the Honors Program Director list.