The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Nursing symposium

Research Stories Archive-2022

Read the latest Research News & Stories.

Research to Imagine a Better Future for Communities

Faculty and students in UMass Amherst’s Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning are envisioning more beautiful, healthy, livable neighborhoods and regions through community-engaged research.

Securing the Safety of the Food Supply

UMass Amherst scientists are conducting research to promote the safety of the food we eat—and to stop the spread of outbreaks when they occur.

Accelerating the Future of Clean Energy

The UMass Amherst Clean Energy Extension provides technical assistance to municipalities, conducts applied research, and offers workforce training to achieve the Commonwealth’s sustainability goals.

Can Garden Basil Help Fight a Bee Epidemic?

Graduate student Seanne Clemente is investigating whether bumble bees can use plants to "self-medicate."

College of Engineering Celebrates 75 Years

For three-quarters of a century, UMass Amherst's top-ranked engineering program has been at the vanguard of research in fields ranging from quantum computing to wind energy to microwave remote sensing.

Bringing Revolutionary Breakthroughs Out Into the World

UMass Amherst’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem helps researchers take inventions and discoveries from ideation through the process of commercialization and, eventually, to market.

Examining 'Invisibility' Among Blue Collar Workers

UMass Amherst sociology graduate student Brandi Perri used her distinctive background as a former janitor to study the experiences of custodial crew members within a newly corporatized educational system.

Institute of Diversity Sciences

The Institute of Diversity Sciences (IDS) at UMass Amherst supports multidisciplinary research that aims to advance social justice and nurtures the success of diverse students as they enter the STEM workforce.

Partnering with Indigenous Communities to Confront Climate Change

An initiative led by UMass Amherst seeks to develop new models, practices, methods, and ethical guidelines for braiding Indigenous knowledge together with current scientific practices.

Training the Next-Generation STEM Workforce

The Core Summer Internship Program at UMass Amherst offers undergraduates hands-on research experience in state-of-the-art labs along with valuable soft-skills training.

Probing the Mysteries of Language

Through an independent research study of her own design, Emily Knick ‘23 is investigating how languages evolve and what such changes can teach us about how the brain produces and perceives language.

Illuminating the Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy

As part of the global Event Horizon Telescope research consortium, UMass Amherst astronomers are capturing unprecedented images and testing current theories about the universe.

Research Driving Transportation Improvements

In close partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), the UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) advances transportation mobility and safety through research, training, and workforce development.

Getting Into the (Micro)Flow of Research

In Sarah Perry's microfluidics course, students get hands-on research experience with real-world applications.

Putting STEM to Work for Social Justice

As professor of psychology and director of UMass Amherst's Institute of Diversity Sciences, Nilanjana Dasgupta is focused on solving real-world social challenges through STEM.

Core to Discovery and Innovation

UMass Amherst's Core Facilities are a collection of 30 state-of-the-art research labs with in-house experts to advance research at UMass and beyond.

Amazon: The Ubiquitous Ultimate Service Brand

In a new book, UMass Amherst media studies scholar Emily West examines how Amazon infiltrated every aspect of life while fading into the background.

Harnessing the Power of the Wind

For the past 50 years, the University of Massachusetts Amherst has led the way in advancing the field of wind energy through research and education.

Governing the Empires of the 21st Century

UMass Amherst School of Public Policy’s Alasdair Roberts explores the immense challenges of leading the world's superstates.

Targeted Teamwork

UMass Amherst and UMass Chan Medical School researchers team up to find revolutionary ways to target cancer cells.

mRNA Holds Key to Next-Gen Vaccines and Therapeutics

UMass Amherst researchers are developing technology to make extremely pure and plentiful RNA that could enable a new class of vaccines and treatments for a range of deadly diseases.

UMass Amherst Research Aimed at Ending the Opioid Epidemic

Researchers are working to mitigate the effects of the opioid epidemic through compassionate care, evidence-based solutions, and machine learning.