Technical Electives for Biomedical Engineering
Pre-approved tech elective courses for BME
Biomedical Engineering students must take 5 technical elective courses (15 credits) in addition to the core and required major courses. View our list of pre-approved technical electives below. Students may complete the Alternative Elective Form (NetID login) to request approval for a course not on this list. Students can have no more than 3 technical electives at the 200-level, and only one of those courses may be in engineering. Please contact Natalia Kolk if you have any questions regarding this policy.
- BME 296/396/496 Independent Study/Research [3cr]
- BME 575 - Nature's Materials [3cr]
- BME 501 -Clinical Orthopedics for Engineers [3cr]
- BME 502 - Drug Delivery [3cr]
- BME 503 - Biomedical Imaging [3cr]
- BME 504 - Intro to Gene Therapy [3cr]
- BME 505 - Biotransport [3cr]
- BME 506 - Biomedical Microfluidics [3cr]
- BME 507- Neuroengineering [3cr]
- BME 508 - Intro to Biophotonics [3cr]
- BME 509 – Biomedical Signals & Systems [3cr]
- BME 510 - Tissue Engineering [3cr]
- BME 511 - Immunoengineering [3cr]
- BME 590STA – Intro to Force Spectroscopy [3cr]
- BME 590STB – Frontiers of Bioelectronics [3cr]
- BIOCHEM 320 Elementary Biochemistry [3cr]
- Bio 285 / Biochem 285 Cellular & Molecular Biology [3cr]
- Bio 311 / Biochem 311 / AnimlSci 311 Genetics [3cr]
- CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry I [3cr]
- CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry II [3cr]
- CHEM 581 Chemical Biology [3cr]
- CHEM 560 Materials Chemistry [3cr]
- ChemEng 510 Immunoengineering [3cr]
- ChemEng 535 Microfluidics & Microscale Analysis in Materials and Biology [3cr]
- ChemEng 575 Tissue Engineering [3cr]
- ChemEng 592B Intro Biochemical Engineering [3cr]
- CompSci 328 Mobile Health Sensing & Analytics [3cr]
- CompSci 383 Artificial Intelligence [3cr]
- E&C-ENG 210 Circuits & Electronics I [4cr]
- E&C-ENG 241 Advanced Programming [3cr]
- E&C-ENG 213 Continuous-Time Signals and Systems [4cr]
- E&C-ENG 231 Intro to Embedded Systems [4cr]
- E&C-ENG 310 Circuits & Electronics II [4cr]
- E&C-ENG 315 Signal Processing Methods [3cr]
- E&C-ENG 580 / MIE 444 Feedback Control [3cr]
- KIN 272 Anatomy & Physiology II [4cr]
- KIN 530 Mechanical Analysis of Human Motion [3cr]
- KIN 537 Footwear Biomechanics [3cr]
- KIN 590STA Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Muscle [3cr]
- Math 456 Mathematical Modeling [3cr]
- STAT 516 Statistics II [3cr]
- BioStat 540 Intro Biostatistics [3cr]
- Microbio 265 Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory [2cr]
- Microbio 310 General Microbiology [3cr]
- Microbio 320 Infectious Disease & Defense [3cr]
- Microbio 330 Microbial Genetics [3cr]
- Microbio 567 Bioinformatics Lab [3cr]
- Microbio 680 Advanced Microbial Physiology [3cr]
- MIE 274H Infections & Social Determinants: Simulation Modeling for Disease Prevention [4cr]
- MIE 230 Thermodynamics I [3cr]
- MIE 340 Fluid Mechanics I [3cr]
- MIE 344 Modeling & Analysis of Dynamic Systems [3cr]
- MIE 360 Human Factors Engineering [3cr]
- MIE 381 Inclusive Design in Healthcare [3cr]
- MIE 422 Statistical Quality Control [3cr]
- MIE 458/658 Connections in Medicine, Biology & Engineering [3cr]
- MIE 668 Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics [3cr]MIE 611 Advanced Materials Characterization: Microscopy [3cr]MIE 687 Practical Medical Device Design [3cr]
- MIE 640 Intro to Micro/Nano Scale Manufacturing and Science [3cr]
- MIE 619 -Fundamentals of Physics, Chemistry and Engineering for Sensor Science and Technology [3cr]
- MIE 667 Advanced Cell and Tissue Biomanufacturing [3cr]
- MIE 685 Biorobotics [ 3cr]
- MIE 657 Human Factors Design Engineering [3cr]
- Psych 330 Intro to Neuroscience [3cr]
1. Students are responsible for meeting the prerequisite or enrollment requirements, especially for courses offered outside of the BME department. Enrollment in specific tech electives is not guaranteed. All 600-level courses require instructor approval and overrides.
2. Students must have at least 2 courses/6 credits of technical electives at the 300-level or above
3. A maximum of 4 credits can be used from the BME 296/396/496 series of classes towards fulfilling technical elective requirements.
4. Honors college students cannot use BME 296/396/496 to count towards technical elective requirements if completing a departmental honors thesis.
5. You should work with the Academic advisor to ensure you are meeting the required number/credits of Technical Electives.
6. If you would like to use a course for a Technical Elective that is not offered in the above list, you will need to complete the Alternative Tech Elective Form.
7. These technical electives may or may not be offered every year / semester. Please consult with the offering Department and confirm whether a class will be available the semester you are considering it (or check the course history in SPIRE).
8. Students may not count the same course offered by different departments for more than one technical elective (e.g., you may only count either BME 510 or ChemEng 575, both Tissue Engineering, towards the tech elective requirement, but not both).