Registration for Chemical Engineering Majors
Advising and registration news and instructions
Advising and Registration Information for Chemical Engineering (ChE) Majors
- March 11-14 All ChE students sign up for an advising appointment. Please schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor or the advisor coordinator. Please watch for instructions from your faculty advisor or the advising coordinator. (Your faculty advisor is listed on your student page in SPIRE.)
- March 24-April 4: Advising meetings will be held. Students with 1 or 2 semesters remaining are encouraged to meet with their advisors or the advising coordinator early in the advising period so they can register for the courses needed for graduation. Once you both agree on a course plan, your advisor or the advising coordinator will sign your Course Selection Form.
- After meeting with your advisor or the advising coordinator and before 4pm on April 4: After you meet with your faculty advisor in person, please scan and e-mail the signed Course Selection Form to Matt Langer (mlanger [at] umass [dot] edu). If you meet with your faculty advisor remotely, the advisor should e-mail Matt Langer with the Course Selection form at the conclusion of the meeting. If you meet with the advising coordinator, your hold will be lifted at the conclusion of your appointment. Before your registration appointment starts, confirm that your registration hold has been lifted. If you still see an advising registration hold after you have met with an advisor, make sure you have submitted your course selection form to Matt Langer.
Registration Materials:
You are required to have the following Registration materials with you when you meet with your advisor or the advising coordinator.
- A copy of your Academic Requirements Report (from SPIRE).
In SPIRE, select "Academics" from the main menu, then select "Academic requirements". You can then save it as a pdf. - A Curriculum Flowchart showing completed courses with grades and current courses. A pdf version of the curriculum flowchart is available on this page under the Chemical Engineering sub-heading
- A Course Selection Form, completed to the extent possible. A fillable pdf of the course selection form is available from the following link:
- When using the fillable pdf forms, make sure you download the form and save it BEFORE you input information. The forms are designed NOT to save information entered into them as a website to prevent any leak of personal information.
Advising Procedure:
- Please arrive at the assigned meeting room on time with a draft of next semester’s academic plan. E-mail your forms to the person you are meeting with at least 24 hours before your meeting. When you complete the form, include:
- Name, ID number, major, email, and cell phone and intended major/sub-plan if applicable.
- For courses you are currently taking, fill in department and course number (e.g. Che 330), course title (e.g. Fluid Mechanics), # of credits, and Gen Ed code if applicable.
- In the right column, fill in the courses you propose taking next semester (based on the Curriculum Flowchart).
- In the next section please check any boxes that apply.
- Students should bring a Curriculum Flowchart with the previous grades reported in each box for the classes that have been completed. Mark with an "X" the classes currently being taken.
- Check SPIRE to make sure there are no time conflicts in your plan and that the courses you propose are being offered next semester.
- Discuss your proposed schedule with your advisor or the advising coordinator. You should also discuss any problems you are having, questions you have, or advice you need.
- For in person advising appointments, the student should scan the signed Course Selection Form and e-mail it to Matt Langer ( For remote advising appointments, the faculty adviser will e-mail the completed course selection form to the Advising Office at the end of the appointment. Their e-mail will act as their signature. Based upon the signed form or their e-mail, the HOLD will be released on your registration. You will not be able to sign up for classes until that HOLD has been lifted.
- The Course Selection Form is a plan based on a mid-semester discussion between Student and Advisor concerning the appropriate courses to take during the next semester. If your interests change, and depending on the grades you receive at the end of the current semester, you may need to change your plan and/or repeat courses. All changes should be discussed with your advisor or the advising coordinator.
- A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of C (2.0) in the core Chemical Engineering courses to remain in good standing in the major. To graduate with a degree in Chemical Engineering, students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the core Chemical Engineering program.
- The department will remove students from Chemical Engineering courses if the students do not have the appropriate course prerequisites or if the student's Chemical Engineering cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. It is the student's responsibility to make sure they have passed the appropriate prerequisites for each course. (Individual faculty that teach each course during the semester can make Exceptions to this policy.)