Taking a Course at Another School
Be sure the credits transfer correctly
The Transfer Course Work form must be completed BEFORE you enroll in the course at the other school. This is necessary to confirm that the course will transfer to UMass Amherst correctly!
Please be sure to read instructions on using fillable PDF forms on the Engineering Forms and Regulations page.
When you have completed the course(s), request that the institution where you took the course send an official transcript to our Registrar's Office. Your credits will not be transferred until the official transcript is received by the Registrar's Office.
You must earn a "C-" or above for a course to be transferred unless the course has a “C” or better requirement for the College of Engineering. Remember that your grade will not be factored into your GPA.
- If you have already taken the course twice at UMass Amherst, you must also submit a request for a third repeat.
- If you plan to take a Physics, Chemistry, or Math course (e.g., Math 131 or Chemistry 111), you must bring your Prior Approval Form to the Office of Student Affairs, Marston Hall 126 or email it to coeadvising [at] umass [dot] edu (coeadvising[at]umass[dot]edu).
- If you are planning to take a course that fulfills a major requirement (e.g., an MIE or CEE course), you should bring or email your Prior Approval Form to your Chief Undergraduate Advisor.
- If the course you are taking fulfills a general education (social world elective) requirement, you should consult the general education FAQ page and bring or email your Transfer Course Work form to the Registrar’s Office (213 Whitmore) for approval.