What are the Gen Ed Requirements?
General Education (Gen Ed) requirements are a set of course designations selected to provide experiences that lead directly to the achievement of the General Education learning objectives by a student who completes them. The Gen Ed requirements differ depending upon when students enrolled at the university, and if they entered as First Year or Transfer students. Detailed information can be found on the General Education Curriculum page.
Can courses within my major count towards Gen Ed?
As many as 4 courses from a student's major department can be applied to GenEd requirements: Junior Year Writing, Integrative Experience, one course applied to another GenEd requirement. There is no limit on GenEd or Diversity courses that can be counted toward major requirements.
Is there any way out of the Gen Ed requirements?
General Education (Gen Ed) is a required program for all undergraduate students at UMass. Every undergraduate student at UMass must complete a major sequence, which provides depth in a field or discipline; a General Education sequence, which provides breadth of experience; and sometimes a set of requirements specific to their college, which guarantee that everyone who graduates has completed an extensive body of work that justifies their degree. The major requirements help you become an expert in something and the Gen Ed requirements help you become a well-rounded, capable and confident adult. While both are valuable independently, it is the combination that propels students to a successful future and makes UMass graduates so highly sought after by employers. To receive the most educational value from the program, you should learn about the objectives of the Gen Ed program and the relevant skills you will build through your Gen Ed course sequence. Work with your academic advisor to develop a Gen Ed strategy and course sequence tailored to your personal interests and life goals. The General Education Curriculum page may be useful to you as you plan your Gen Ed experience.
Last semester all of my Gen Ed requirements were complete, and this semester a course I'm taking now is a Gen Ed. Can I use it in another requirement?
The Academic Requirements Report reads courses chronologically and puts each course into the first requirement it can satisfy. It does not check to see if other courses could satisfy the same requirement. At the end of the semester, when these courses are completed, everything should fall into its proper place. If it doesn't, visit the Registrar's Office to get the courses relocated.
What do the designations mean?
Gen Ed designations label each course based on what experiences and learning objectives that course delivers. For instance, the PS designation - short for Physical Sciences - labels all General Education courses that involve students in asking and using the fundamental questions of a scientific discipline to build skills in critical thinking, analysis, mathematical application, and scientific communication. Not all courses within a discipline satisfy that Gen Ed designation; for example, not all History courses satisfy the HS designation. To see a full listing of Gen Ed course designations and what the courses carrying those designations offer, visit the General Education Curriculum.
Why are only certain courses designated as General Education courses?
The General Education curriculum follows a special set of criteria that ensure that students will be prepared to face challenges both academically at UMass Amherst and professionally when they enter the workforce. Employers repeatedly report that what they value most highly in new employees are: a) excellent communications skills, b) exceptional analytic skills, and c) the ability to understand and think critically about complex issues. Therefore, only the courses specifically designed to provide experiences and activities that allow students to meet specific learning objectives are designated Gen Ed. Before any course can be included in the Gen Ed curriculum, it has to go through a thorough review and approval by a Faculty Senate committee, the Gen Ed Council.
Why doesn't a course within my major fulfill a Gen Ed requirement?
Not all courses within a discipline satisfy that Gen Ed designation; for example, not all History courses satisfy the HS designation. To see a full listing of Gen Ed course designations and what the courses carrying those designations offer, visit the General Education Curriculum. It is also helpful to keep in mind that only 4 courses from your major department can be applied to GenEd requirements: Junior Year Writing, Integrative Experience, one course applied to another GenEd requirement, and one course applied to a Diversity requirement. There is no limit on GenEd or Diversity courses that can be counted toward major requirements.
Why are some Social and Cultural Diversity courses listed as U or G, and others listed as DU or DG?
New Diversity requirements went into effect beginning Fall 2018. As part of the transition into these new requirements, all courses meeting the Social and Cultural Diversity requirement were relabeled from U and G to DU and DG.
What Gen Ed courses are available this semester? How do I find a course to fulfill a specific designation requirement?
You may search SPIRE for the most current information about course listings for a given semester. SPIRE also allows you to search by Gen Ed designation. Click on the "Search Schedule/Browse Catalog link." Choose the semester term. Under "Class Search Criteria," leave the "Subject" field blank, for "Course Career" choose "Undergraduate," choose the appropriate "Session," and click on the Gen Ed designation that you are looking for. The Registrar also maintains an updated list of Gen Ed designated courses.
How do I find out when a course will be offered next?
The most efficient way to find out when a course will be offered next is to call the department offering the course. They will likely be able to tell you how often the course is offered and which instructor teaches it. Refer to the complete listing of undergraduate programs for contact information.
How can I make sure I get the Gen Ed course I’m interested in?
Certain popular Gen Ed courses do fill early. The earlier you register, the more likely you are to be able to enroll in your preferred courses. Please remember, all students are expected to take a Social and Cultural Diversity Course (DU or DG) within their first year. An essential part of enrolling in your preferred courses is having a well thought out plan for approaching your Gen Ed Requirements, just as you do for your major requirements. Sometimes it may be better to put off one of the more popular courses until later in your academic career, when as an upper class student you earn an earlier registration date and can enroll in a larger variety of courses. Work with your academic advisor(s) to plan a set of Gen Ed courses that meet your interests and needs, and give yourself the flexibility to enroll in the most convenient course(s) in any semester. It is also good to have prepared a list of acceptable alternatives if you find your first choice is full. Try to know as far in advance what courses will be offered and which ones interest you so that you can be ready to register as soon as it is possible to do so. Also see the next FAQ about what to do when a course is full.
The Gen Ed course I want to take is full. Now what?
Many courses maintain a waiting list, from which students are enrolled when other students change their plans and remove the course from their schedule. If a particular course is very important to you, speak to the instructor about how to get onto the waiting list for that course and follow up with that instructor to find out your waiting list status. You may also want to speak to the instructor about what other courses are offered with similar content that may not be overenrolled, and try to enroll in the high-demand course in a later semester. Finally, you should keep trying by checking SPIRE often, since openings do sometimes occur.
How can I make sure that the Gen Ed courses I take will help me achieve my academic and career goals?
The Gen Ed course requirements are selected to give you the flexibility to enroll in courses that interest you while guaranteeing a diversity of experiences sufficient to meet the Gen Ed learning objectives. For example, both "CLASSICS 335H - Women in Antiquity" and "GERMAN 376 - The Holocaust" fulfill the HS (Historical Studies) requirement. Although the academic content of these courses will differ, the transferable skills that are the aim of general education are facilitated by both. You can expect that all courses designated HS will require you to exercise your ability to view our culture and society from a different and relevant historical perspective, but the specific historical context will vary from course to course, and you may elect any course that meets your specific interests and goals.
Transferring Credits
If I've already taken a 3-credit course elsewhere that I think might be a Gen Ed course; is it useless?
Please consult with the Registrar's Office in determining what courses transfer into the General Education program.
I want to take a course at the college near my home over the summer. It offers Intro to Sociology as a 3-credit course, but it is 4-credits at UMass. It looks like the exact same class. Will it meet my SB Gen Ed requirement?
It might not, depending on your version of the General Education requirements. Your Academic Requirements Report will indicate whether you need to satisfy the requirement in terms of number of courses or number of credits. (For example, a student who entered the University as a freshman in fall 2010 or later needs 4 credits to satisfy the SB requirement. If you take that 3-credit course over the summer, you would later need to take another 3-credit SB course to fulfill that requirement.) ALWAYS file the appropriate prior approval form before taking a class that you think will meet a Gen Ed (or other) requirement; this is your guarantee that the course will count as you expect as long as you earn a C- or higher and send in a final official transcript to the Registrar’s Office.
I think one of my transfer courses should satisfy a Gen Ed requirement. Why doesn't it?
The Office of Transfer Affairs (OTA) assigns Gen Ed codes to transfer courses. If they didn't do so, it probably means that the course doesn't qualify or that they didn't have enough information about the course to judge. Obtain a course description or syllabus from the instructor at your former school and ask an OTA evaluator to review it. Consult the Registrar's Office for more information.
One of my International exchange courses should satisfy a Gen Ed requirement. Why is it in "Additional Electives" instead?
The Office of Global Affairs assigns Gen Ed codes to international exchange courses. Follow the same procedure as with transfer credits (see previous FAQ), but take the course description to the Office of Global Affairs
Will I be able to get credit for my major, minor and General Education requirements for a course I take abroad?
In some cases, yes. Many majors and many minors will give credit toward departmental requirements for courses taken abroad. Many departments encourage students to include study abroad in their plans. Students must get their study abroad courses approved by their academic advisors prior to departure, so they should find out as much information as possible about getting credit before you travel. The Office of Global Affairs can help you plan ahead if you are undeclared when you first seek advice. Many courses abroad can fulfill General Education requirements as long as they fall within the guidelines for those areas. Check with your academic advisor to be sure. (Note: It is not advisable to take the Basic Math Skills and/or Analytic Reasoning while abroad.)
If I study abroad or on exchange in the US, will that change my Gen Eds?
When you do an approved exchange or study abroad program through UMass, you will work with the program staff to make sure you understand how the program fits into your academic program. Occasionally, due to different credit systems at the institution they attend, students who go on a UMass/Amherst-approved exchange or study abroad program will choose to change to transfer GenEd requirements. This is done by filing a Change to Transfer General Education Requirements form in the Records Office (207 Whitmore). It is recommended that students file the form as soon as possible following the exchange, but no later than the beginning of their last semester at UMass/Amherst. Make sure you discuss this with your advisor and/or the Office of Global Affairs or Domestic Exchange Offices.
Accommodations and Waivers
I have a learning disability that makes it hard for me to complete my R1/R2 Gen Ed requirement. What should I do?
Students should work carefully with Disability Services and their academic advisors in choosing appropriate Gen Ed courses. If you have difficulty meeting the requirements you should discuss your concerns with Disability Services. Disability Services will work with you to provide appropriate accommodations and support so that you can satisfy Gen Ed requirements. In some situations, you may file an appeal to the General Education Variance Committee through your academic dean with support from Disability Services to request an appropriate substitution course for the R1 or R2 requirement, but there are no waivers.
Can I get a waiver if I took the wrong course?
No, all students are expected to fulfill the Gen Ed requirements. Students should work with their academic advisors in choosing appropriate Gen Ed courses and monitor their progress in meeting the Gen Ed requirements through SPIRE. There is no option to "waive" the Gen Ed requirements. If you have a concern please contact your undergraduate dean.
Can students request a waiver if they have difficulty in meeting their Gen Ed requirements?
All students are expected to fulfill the Gen Ed requirements. Academic advisors should work closely with students in choosing appropriate Gen Ed courses and encourage students to monitor their progress in meeting the Gen Ed requirements through SPIRE. There is no option to "waive" the Gen Ed requirements. In the rare case in which a student has been misadvised the student's undergraduate Dean may submit a petition for a variance to the General Education Variance Committee.
What is the General Education Variance Committee?
The General Education Variance Committee reviews student petitions for variances from the General Education Requirements. The following conditions and procedures apply:
- Petitions will be processed through the student's undergraduate Dean, with accompanying comment/recommendation by the Dean, and forwarded to the Registrar's Office for consideration by the committee
- All requests for variance from the General Education requirements based on an allegation of misadvising shall include a statement verifying such mis-advice by the academic advisor or dean involved
- No requests will be granted for the use of University of Massachusetts Amherst non-General Education courses to fulfill General Education requirements
- No requests will be granted for a variance from the requirements based on a student's completion of a course because of legitimate but mistaken belief that the course filled a General Education requirement, if the student may use the course to complete a General Education, University, or major requirement not yet filled
- A student may register an appeal to the committee's decision only with approval of his/her initiating Dean
For questions about Gen Ed credits, please speak to your adviser or contact Dori McCracken (@email) in the Registrar's Office.