Xing Honored by Soil Science Society of America
Baoshan Xing, professor of environmental and soil chemistry in the Stockbridge School of Agriculture, has been named recipient of the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) 2018 Soil Science Research Award.
Xing was cited for his demonstration of unusual research creativity; excellence in reasoning ability and/or technical skill; and originality and significance of research to basic soil science. He is a leading authority on the environmental fate and processes of contaminants of emerging concern, such as nanomaterials, PPCPs and POPs.
The award, which will be presented during the SSSA annual convention Jan. 8 in San Diego, includes a certificate and $1,000.
Xing’s group has published more than 400 refereed journal articles. For the past four years, he has been one of the “highly cited researchers” recognized by Clarivate Analytics as among “the best and brightest scientific minds of our time.”
He has co-edited 5 books and presented numerous invited talks and serves on several journal editorial boards and scientific advisory committees.
Xing received a B.S. from Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University and an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Alberta.
Founded in 1936, SSSA is an international scientific society whose more than 6,000 members are dedicated to advancing the field of soil science and fostering the transfer of knowledge and practices to sustain global soils.