Walker Featured on Podcast on Nursing and Environmental Issues
Rachel Walker, assistant professor of nursing and director of the nursing Ph.D. program, is featured in a podcast series, Nurses for Healthy Environments. In the 50-minute episode, “Changing the World with Rachel Walker,” host Elizabeth Schenk, a nurse scientist dedicated to sustainability, calls Walker a “visionary leader.” They discussed nursing, innovation, invention and climate change, among other topics.
The podcast is produced by the Alliance of Nurses for Health Environments (ANHE), a nursing organization that addresses issues of environmental justice and climate change.
Walker, whose research focuses on nursing innovation as a catalyst for social justice, is also associate director of the UMass Center for Human Health and Performance – a multidisciplinary translational science center at the Institute for Applied Life Sciences that specializes in sensors, nanotextiles and other digital health technologies.
“We’re mostly focused on trying to find ways to support health as folks would define it for themselves,” Walker says in the podcast. They are also the first nurse to be named an official Invention Ambassador for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).