Walk for Light on Nov. 8 to Identify Safety Concerns Across the UMass Amherst Campus

walk for light


AMHERST, Mass. – The annual Walk for Light, a comprehensive campus safety check led by the UMass Amherst Police Department in which students, staff and faculty spread across campus to identify and report safety-related issues, will take place Thursday, Nov. 8 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Student Union.

Walk for Light is conducted by the UMPD in conjunction with the Physical Plant, Residential Life, Student Affairs and Campus Life and the Student Government Association. Volunteers will break into groups and head out to different areas of campus. Concerns may include poor or broken lighting, overgrown trees or bushes that reduce lighting, broken railings or uneven steps, newly cut paths due to ongoing construction or other safety-related issues.

All members of the campus community are welcome to take part. Participants should dress for the weather. The event finishes with a pizza party and debriefing at Dickinson Hall around 7 p.m.

A final report will be compiled and sent to the appropriate campus departments for follow-up and repair.