Volunteers Ages 45-60 Needed for Study on Visual Communication and Understanding Spoken Language
Researchers in the Language, Intersensory Perception, and Speech (LIPS) Lab at UMass Amherst are seeking participants ages 45-60 with American English as their first language for a study on how seeing a speaker’s face helps with understanding the speaker.
Study participation requires two three-hour visits to the LIPS Lab on the UMass Amherst campus. The first lab visit includes various computerized tasks that assess hearing, vision and judgments about what a speaker says. The second visit involves recording the participants brain waves with an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap while they watch and listen to a speaker.
Compensation is $10 per hour. Participants are welcome to wear masks, if preferred, as will personnel upon the participant’s request. Adults who have had COVID-19 five days before the scheduled visit must have a negative test to participate.
For more information about the study, visit the LIPS research participation website. To learn more about eligibility to participate, call 413-461-0299 or email lipslab@umass.edu.