UWN Speaker Nancy Hunter Denney to Address Dealing with Difficult People

Nancy Hunter Denney
Nancy Hunter Denney

The University Women’s Network (UWN) invites all UMass Amherst women employees to hear Nancy Hunter Denney present “Believe Me, It’s YOU: Dealing with Difficult People” on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at noon in the Hadley Room, 10th Floor Campus Center. 

An author, keynote speaker and leadership trainer, Denney has earned nationwide recognition for excellence at the podium at more than 900 college campuses and at hundreds of conferences and has appeared on the national stage with financial advice expert Suze Orman, news correspondent Soledad O’Brien, and talk show host Dr. Phil.

Is there someone at work or in life that you find difficult? Denney combines wit and high energy with personal stories and original theories, to inspire you to look within for solutions and to see value in “difficult” people. Come learn what you can do.

Denny’s books include “Wisdom Along the Way: Writings on Life and Leadership” and “Zing! 21 Insights on Maximizing Your Influence.”

Cost of the event and buffet lunch is $12 for UWN members and $15 for guests. Registration is required.

Pay and register online here. Choose either Member Lunch or Non-Member Lunch. To pay and register by mail, send cash or check (make checks payable to University of Massachusetts) to: Glenda Pons, Environmental Health and Safety, 117 Draper Hall. You will receive an email confirmation when your payment has been received.

Payment for this event must be received by Thursday, Nov. 7 at 5 p.m.