UMass Amherst Continues Extraordinary Rise in U.S. News Rankings, Moving Up to No. 26 Among Public Universities
AMHERST, Mass. – The University of Massachusetts Amherst ranks among the nation’s top public universities, climbing this year to No. 26 in the Best Colleges 2019 guide published by U.S. News & World Report.
The 2019 ranking for UMass Amherst continues an extraordinary rise over the past decade, from No. 52 in 2010 to this year’s No. 26 as a top ranking college. The Commonwealth’s flagship campus stands out as one of the most improved top-tier public universities in America.
“This year’s rise in our U.S. News ranking affirms UMass Amherst’s national reputation as a top university,” says Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy. “To maintain its competitive edge in the innovation economy, both nationally and globally, Massachusetts needs a top tier public university to fill the talent pipeline and conduct the groundbreaking research that makes our state a leader in innovation. By continually improving across all categories, including student achievement, graduation rates and faculty productivity, UMass Amherst is delivering on that promise for the Commonwealth.”
UMass Amherst’s rising national prominence coincides with its growing role in providing talent for the Massachusetts innovation economy. UMass Amherst educates more students from Massachusetts than the eight top-ranked private national universities in Massachusetts combined. UMass Amherst also awards more undergraduate STEM degrees than any other college or university in the Commonwealth, public or private.
Top Ranking College
This is the fifth straight year that UMass Amherst has been ranked in the top 30 public universities. Last year, the university was ranked 29th nationally. There are more than 700 four-year, public universities and colleges in the country, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
UMass Amherst also ranks 70th in the US News Best National Universities category, moving up five places among the 311 public and private institutions in that classification.
The U.S. News rankings are based on a variety of weighted factors: graduation rate performance, undergraduate academic reputation, faculty resources, graduation and retention rates, alumni giving, financial resources, student selectivity and high school counselor ratings. All of the schools in the National Universities category offer a wide range of undergraduate majors as well as master’s and doctoral degrees while emphasizing faculty research.
Selecting the Best and the Brightest
This fall, UMass Amherst welcomed its most academically accomplished entering class in its history. More than 41,500 students applied for admission. The average SAT score for the entering class is 1294 out of 1600 and their high school grade point average is 3.90. On average, the students in the incoming class rank in the top fifth of their high school classes. The Class of 2022 numbers about 5,050 students. Overall undergraduate enrollment this fall is estimated at 22,000, up from last year’s 21,766. In-state enrollment is about 17,000 or 77 percent of the student body.