UMass to Launch Campus Climate Survey on Nov. 3
On Wednesday, Nov. 3, the University of Massachusetts Amherst will be launching the second Campus Climate Survey, intended to assess whether our values of diversity, equity and inclusion are reflected in the daily experience of students, faculty and staff. The web-based survey results will provide us with a better understanding of the challenges of creating an environment that is respectful and inclusive for all.
On Nov. 3, all members of the campus community will receive a link via email from Chancellor Subbaswamy to access the survey, which will remain open until Nov.19.
The 2021 Campus Climate Survey will serve as a follow-up to the 2016 Campus Climate Survey, providing a comparison of these results to our previous findings, helping us identify areas that still need improvement, and areas where there may have been progress. The 2016 survey yielded a response rate of over 40%, with findings and recommendations being shared with academic and executive units across campus. These results are publicly accessible on the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) Website.
The survey includes questions that will help us understand how peoples’ social identities shape their experiences of belonging at UMass—including (but not limited to): race/ethnicity, gender identity, socioeconomic class background, sexual orientation/identity, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, religion or spiritual belief and political beliefs. The survey responses will be confidential and names will not be linked to responses.
Faculty and staff supervisors are strongly encouraged to provide time in their classrooms and workspaces to provide opportunities for the community to take the survey. On average the survey should take 12-14 minutes.
Preliminary findings of the results will be shared with the UMass community in April 2022 via a publicly available and accessible report on the OEI website.