UMass Amherst Libraries Announce Winners of Undergraduate Sustainability Research Awards
TheUMass Amherst Libraries have announced the winners of the 2020 Undergraduate Sustainability Research Awards.
A $1,500 scholarship was awarded to first-place recipient, senior Linda Black, for the white paper, “FOOD/NOW: On Climate Mitigation, Sustainable Farming, and Food Security in Massachusetts.”
Two $750 scholarships went to the second place award recipients, the group of seniors Margaret Dreishpoon, Levente Haber and Waverly Lau for the paper, “Reusable To-Go Containers at UMass Amherst,” and senior James Mazarakis for the paper, “Bringing Life to a Hospital Site: 19 Years of Proposals for the Abandoned Malden Hospital Site in Malden, MA.”
A $300 scholarship went to the honorable mention recipient, junior Amanda Anderson, for the paper, “New Shipment Just In! The Earthship.”
Winners accepted their awards and presented their projects virtually in short videos available for viewing on the Libraries’ YouTube channel.
The competition was open to all currently enrolled UMass Amherst undergraduates.
Winning projects will be made openly accessible by the end of April in the Sustainability Student Showcase in ScholarWorks, the digital repository for the research and scholarly output of the UMass Amherst community.
The awards promote an in-depth understanding of sustainability topics, research strategies, and the use of library resources, providing participating students with vital skills they will carry into future academic and vocational endeavors. The awards and event are made possible by the generosity of donors who support the UMass Amherst Libraries’ national award-winning Sustainability Fund.