UMass Amherst to Host Oral Arguments to the Massachusetts Appeals Court on Nov. 15
AMHERST, Mass. – The University of Massachusetts Amherst will host oral arguments to the Massachusetts Appeals Court in Campus Center 163C on Monday, Nov. 15, from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Members of the public are encouraged to attend the session to witness the Commonwealth’s judicial system in action.
The Appeals Court, the intermediate appellate court in the Massachusetts judicial system, is composed of 25 justices who decide over 1,000 cases each year. Three justices preside as a panel hearing oral arguments presented by attorneys and parties in criminal and civil appeals involving a range of legal questions.
Each side of the case has 15 minutes to argue, during which the justices may pose questions to the attorneys. During a typical oral argument session, the panel of justices hears six cases, usually three criminal cases and three civil.
Associate Justices Mary Thomas Sullivan, William J. Meade and Maureen Walsh will preside over Monday’s session.
Immediately following oral arguments, the justices will host a lunch with UMass Amherst students in the Amherst Room on the 10th floor of the Campus Center. Advance registration for the lunch is required, and can be completed at
More information about the Appeals Court can be found at