
UMass Amherst Geosciences Celebrates the Legacy of Randolph ‘Bill’ Bromery with Two Talks

The UMass Amherst Department of Geosciences is announcing the 2022 celebration of the legacy of Randolph “Bill” Bromery on Friday, March 4 with two Zoom events.

Randolph W. Bromery
Randolph “Bill” Bromery

Bromery, a geologist and geophysicist, came to UMass Amherst in 1967 as a professor of geology and rose quickly through the leadership ranks. He served as vice chancellor for student affairs, and then led the campus as chancellor from 1971 to 1979. His appointment as chancellor made him the second African American ever to lead a predominantly white campus, and the first African American to lead UMass Amherst.

Panel Discussion: “Beyond Beards and Hammers: Portrayal of Earth Scientists in Media”
Friday, March 4, 11:15 a.m. to noon,

Talk title: “Rock Stars: Geologists on the Silver Screen”
Erik Sturkell, University of Gothenburg in Sweden
Lennart Björklund, University of Gothenburg in Sweden

Bromery Lecture
Friday, March 4, 12:20 to 1:10 p.m.

Title talk: “Ghost” Carbon Revisited: The Muddling of Soil Carbon Dynamics by Petrogenic Carbon
Speaker: Elizabeth Williams, U.S. Geological Survey in the Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center

All are welcome to attend the Zoom events.