UMass ADVANCE Seeking Proposals for 2021-22 Mutual Mentoring Grants

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UMass ADVANCE has announced its 2021-22 Mutual Mentoring Grant Program. UMass ADVANCE is soliciting proposals for projects to begin in the 2021-22 academic year. Proposals are being accepted now through April 5.

ADVANCE will provide support of up to $6,000 per award for faculty-driven, context-sensitive mentoring projects, orchestrated by teams that conceive and carry out their own project plans.

The guiding principle for UMass ADVANCE is Faculty Collaboration & Equity. The program aims to support equity among faculty by gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, nationality, and other statuses. Priority mentoring areas include projects aimed at helping faculty teams build inclusive communities, engage in research collaboration and participate in shared decision-making. 

ADVANCE welcomes proposals from tenure track faculty and full-time faculty on continuing appointments. We particularly encourage proposals from faculty members in National Science Foundation (NSF) supported fields. Proposals must be led or co-led by a faculty from:

  • College of Engineering
  • College of Information and Computer Sciences
  • College of Natural Sciences
  • College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Linguistics Department in the College of Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Management Department in the Isenberg School of Management

To learn more about current ADVANCE Mutual Mentoring projects listen to ADVANCE team members Laurel Smith-Doerr (PI), James Allan, Nilanjana Dasgupta, and Ethel Mickey on the UMass Dignity and Respect in Action Podcast or you can read more about past awards on the ADVANCE website.

For questions, please contact Donna Baron, Program Manager, at

Please note: the ADVANCE Mutual Mentoring Grant Program is distinct from the Office of Faculty Development (OFD) Mutual Mentoring Team Grant Program. There is a separate call for OFD Mutual Mentoring Team Grants. Faculty may apply to both the ADVANCE and OFD Mutual Mentoring programs but are eligible to receive only one award. Proposals that are considered for funding and have applied to both programs, will be reviewed collaboratively and the two offices will coordinate to ensure all faculty are well served.