UMACC Reaches Goal; Campaign Continues through Jan. 31
The giving spirit is alive and well at UMass Amherst, where 680 faculty, staff and retirees have donated $445,000 (beating the goal of $435,000) to local, national and global nonprofit organizations through the UMass Amherst Community Campaign (UMACC).
Your friends and colleagues are supporting nearby nonprofits like the Amherst Survival Center and the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, as well as organizations that serve those in need in the U.S. and beyond, like Planned Parenthood and Doctors Without Borders.
There is still time to give before the campaign closes on Jan. 31. Give via the UMACC website, or return the pledge form you received by campus mail.
Giving through UMACC is easy and efficient, and none of your donation stays at UMass. Here are some reasons why people give:
- “We’re stronger together.”
- “I want my community to know that UMass people care.”
- “I’m fortunate to have enough, and want to support those who don’t.”
- “It’s an easy way to give to multiple charities in one step.”
Give now!