Transition to Kuali to Begin in August


The transition of e-Protocol for both human subjects (IRB) and animal subjects (IACUC) to Kuali Research will begin at the end of August. Kuali will be available for IRB and IACUC starting Monday, Sept. 9. Transition details are as follows.

Human Subjects (IRB): 

  • Friday, Aug. 23 is the last day to submit all new protocols, revisions, or renewals in e-Protocol for the Sept. 6 IRB meeting.
  • From Friday, Aug. 23 at 5 p.m. until Monday, Sept. 9 at 8 a.m, neither e-Protocol nor Kuali (for e-Protocol only) will be available to allow for data migration.

Email questions to

Animal Subjects (IACUC): 

  • Friday, Aug. 23 is the last day to submit all cloned protocols and major amendments.
  • Friday, Aug. 30 is the last day to submit all renewals and minor amendments.
  • From Friday Aug. 30 at 5 p.m. until Monday, Sept. 9 at 8 a.m. neither e-Protocol nor Kuali (for e-Protocol only) will be available to allow for data migration.

Email questions to or

We appreciate your patience and time during this transition.