Aerial overlooking campus pond
University News

Summer Construction Projects Planned for Campus

Facilities and Campus Services has announced a number of construction projects which, at times, may impact pedestrian walkways, roadways and parking lots on campus.

New Sustainable Engineering Laboratories

Starting May 20, 2024, the site utility work will start towards construction of the new Sustainable Engineering Laboratories (SEL) Building. Fencing will be in the area of Knowles, Paige, Stockbridge, Goesmann and Marcus. 

The site work will continue to September, after which the site will remain fenced off and the building construction will commence. Completion of the lab is anticipated in Fall 2026.

Project Manager: Blair Nahm

Hatch Laboratory Demolition

Hatch Laboratory at 40 Holdsworth Way will be demolished during June-July 2024. This will be done concurrently with the Summer Site Utility work for the new SEL Building. Expect noise and dust from equipment and dump trailers leaving the site loaded with demo debris. Dust mitigation will be utilized to minimize the impact to the area.

Project Manager: Blair Nahm

New School of Public Health Addition Underway

Construction of the new School of Public Health addition to Totman began April 29, 2024.  As of May 20, the parking lot will close to make way for the work. The project is slated for completion Winter 2025.

Project Manager: Nick Macy

Lot 50 at John Adams Closed for Summer

Parking lot 50, located at John Adams, John Q. Adams and Patterson residence halls, will be closed for the summer to be used as a contractor laydown area for four projects in the adjacent area.

Project Managers: Richard Ahlstrom, Bill Lizotte, Cleve Carrens

Student Union Exterior Work

Work will happen on the Student Union exterior between June 24 and August 30, 2024. Scaffolding will be in place to enable access.  Please be cautious when entering and exiting the building.

Project Manager: Cleve Carrens