Sorcinelli Named Educator-in-Residence at National University of Singapore

Mary Deane Sorcinelli
Mary Deane Sorcinelli

Mary Deane Sorcinelli, professor emeritus in the department of educational policy, research and administration, has been named 2019 Educator-in-Residence by the National University of Singapore (NUS).

The Educator-In-Residence Program (EiRP) is a Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL) initiative that aims to foster dialogue between the NUS academic community and distinguished educators from around the world.

CDTL periodically invites esteemed educators to NUS for extended periods of time to interact with faculty, graduate and undergraduate students and educational leaders. The EiRP features a public lecture that is funded by the Ruth Wong Memorial Fund; staff and student seminars, roundtables, and workshops; as well as informal small-group discussions.

Sorcinelli is a senior fellow in the Center for Teaching and Learning and a co-primary investigator in the Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative.