Search Advisory Committee Named for Dean of the Commonwealth Honors College
John McCarthy, provost and senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, has appointed a search advisory committee to aid in the selection of the next dean of the Commonwealth Honors College.
Dean Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina will be stepping down at the end of this academic year after five years of service as dean. A highly regarded scholar, Dean Gerzina is a professor of English and was named the Paul Murray Kendall Chair in Biography in 2016. Her many contributions as dean will be recognized more fully at a time closer to the conclusion of her term.
Provost McCarthy has appointed Farshid Hajir, senior vice provost for academic affairs, to serve as chair the committee. Committee members include: Isla S. Castañeda, associate professor, department of geological sciences and Commonwealth Honors College; Kim Tremblay, associate professor, department of veterinary & animal sciences, honors program director, and chair of the Commonwealth Honors College Council; Luis Marentes, professor of Spanish, department of languages, literature & cultures, honors program director, and member of the Commonwealth Honors College Council; Susan Ware, lecturer, Commonwealth Honors College and member of the Commonwealth Honors College Council; Ben Marlin, associate professor, College of Information & Computer Sciences and member of the Commonwealth Honors College Council; Anthony Paik, professor, department of sociology; Brenda Barlow, director of advising, Commonwealth Honors College; and Rachel Ellis, undergraduate student and Student Government Association speaker.