Search Advisory Committee Named for the Dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts

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John McCarthy, provost and senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, has appointed a search advisory committee to aid in the selection of the next dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts.

After a decade of distinguished service as dean, Julie Hayes will be stepping down at the end of this academic year. Hayes, who is a distinguished scholar of the French Enlightenment, will resume her position as professor in the department of languages, literatures and cultures. Her extensive contributions as dean will be recognized more fully at a time closer to the conclusion of her term.

McCarthy has appointed Simon Neame, dean of the Libraries, and Carol Barr, senior vice provost for Academic Affairs and dean of Undergraduate Education, as co-chairs of the search advisory committee. Members of the committee include Harley Erdman, chair and professor, department of theater; Andrea Dallas, director of the English as a Second Language (ESL) program; Amanda Seaman, professor, department of languages, literatures and cultures; Joye Bowman, associate dean for research and professor, department of history; Rebecca Dingo, associate professor, department of English; Lisa Green, professor, department of linguistics; Lynnette Sievert, professor, department of anthropology; Justin Burch, president of the Graduate Student Senate and Ph.D. candidate, department of history; and Kara Eich-Richardson, academic advisor, College of Humanities and Fine Arts. An undergraduate member will be named at a later date.

Isaacson Miller has been retained as search consultants. The search will launch this month, with finalist interviews and forums taking place in the first half of the spring semester.