Schmidt Publishes Book on Nonprofit Law

Elizabeth Schmidt
Elizabeth Schmidt

Professor Elizabeth Schmidt of the School of Public Policy has published “Nonprofit Law: The Life Cycle of a Charitable Organization,” third edition, with the Wolters Kluwer publishing company.

This edition was co-authored by Allen D. Madison, professor at the University of South Dakota School of Law. Written for students of public policy, law, and business, as well as for nonprofit professionals, the book examines the “cradle to grave” legal issues facing 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, including corporate, tax and regulatory matters. The new edition, published this month, looks at recent developments with major implications for the nonprofit field, including the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It also examines newsworthy issues including breaches of fiduciary duties, impermissible political activity and nonprofit bankruptcies.

“With this new edition, we provide readers with the most up-to-date and relevant explanation of the rules surrounding nonprofit law,” Schmidt said. “Our readers are the ones who will work to heal the cracks in society that have been revealed in the last few years, and we encourage them to use this book to accomplish that task.”

Schmidt specializes in nonprofits, social enterprises and solutions-based policy analysis and writes in the areas of nonprofit governance, accountability, policies and ethics, as well as the legal framework for social enterprises.