Proposed PVTA Service Cuts Affect UMass Amherst Bus Routes
The campus community has until March 14 to makes its voice heard on bus service cuts proposed by the PVTA to deal with an expected $3.1 million budget shortfall for fiscal 2019.
The changes, which include at least one route elimination, would take effect July 1.
There are 18 proposed service cuts that directly affect UMass Amherst.
On all routes, the PVTA would reduce Saturday service to match Sunday service and would schedule Sunday service on all holidays.
Campus-connected routes affected with further changes are:
- 30 (North Amherst / Old Belchertown Road)
- 31 (Sunderland / South Amherst)
- 33 (Puffer’s Pond / Shopper Shuttle)
- 34 (Northbound Campus Shuttle)
- 36 (Olympia Drive / Atkins Farm)
- 38 (Mount Holyoke / Hampshire / Amherst / UMass)
- 39 (Smith / Hampshire / Mt. Holyoke colleges)
- B43 (Northampton / Hadley/ Amherst)
- 45 (Belchertown Center / UMass)
- 46 (South Deerfield / Whately Park & Ride / UMass)
Among other changes, the following would be eliminated:
- Route 46
- Routes 30 and 31 service after 9 p.m. on Saturday and other non-academic “reduced services days”
- Route B43 express trips at 8:15 a.m. and 4:15 p.m.
- Route 34 service after 8 p.m.
- Route 36 Saturday service
All routes except B43 are operated by UMass Transit Services. B43 is operated by Valley Area Transit Co.
A complete list of changes directly affecting the UMass Amherst community is online here.
Public hearings are scheduled on the changes, including these in the Amherst area:
- Wednesday, Feb. 28, 4-5:30 p.m. and 6-7:30 p.m. in the Northampton City Council Chambers, 212 Main St., Northampton.
- Thursday, March 1, noon-2 p.m. in 163C Campus Center.
- Tuesday, March 6, 4-5:30 p.m. at Amherst Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk, Amherst.
In addition, public comments may be submitted until March 14:
- By mail: PVTA Administrator, 2808 Main St., Springfield 01107
- By email:
- By phone: 413-732-6248 x239; leave up to a 3-minute recorded message
- Online:; complete the comment form
A complete list of hearings and outreach sessions and detailed system-wide information on proposed service changes and fare increases is available at
All public comments will be given to PVTA’s Advisory Board for a final decision in April.