Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation Journal Moves to College of Education

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The Center for Educational Assessment at the College of Education has announced it will become the publisher of the online journal “Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation” (PARE). All editorial and publishing responsibilities will be transferred as of January 2020. The journal will remain open access with no fees charged to authors. The content will continue to be freely available, in partnership with the UMass Libraries, through ScholarWorks@UMassAmherst.

April Zenisky, associate research professor and director of computer-based testing initiatives for the Center for Educational Assessment, and Lisa Keller, associate professor and assistant director of the Center for Educational Assessment, will be the new co-editors.

“The current editorial board is delighted that we have found a permanent home for PARE at such a highly-respected and well-known institution,” said Lawrence Rudner, PARE cofounder. “There is a great fit between the goals of PARE and the capabilities of the Center for Educational Assessment,” he added.

Director of the Center for Educational Assessment Stephen Sireci noted, “There is a need for a peer-reviewed publication outlet that stresses cutting-edge advancements in assessment theories, models and practices. For the past two decades, PARE has been that journal. We are proud to see it continue at our Center, and to have a part in contributing to quality scholarship in the assessment and evaluation fields.”

PARE was established in 1999 by Lawrence Rudner and William Schafer to provide access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation and teaching practice. Published manuscripts are scholarly syntheses of research and ideas about methodological issues and practices designed to help members of the community keep up to date with effective methods, trends and research developments from a variety of applied settings. With 370 titles that have been retrieved more than 19.5 million times, PARE is the most widely read journal in the field.