Poehler Receives $245,000 Getty Foundation Grant
Eric Poehler, associate professor of classics, has received a $245,000 grant from the Getty Foundation to complete a three-year project titled the Pompeii Artistic Landscape Project (PALP), an online resource designed to contextualize detailed descriptions of Pompeii's artwork within its well-documented archaeological landscape.
PALP is a collaborative initiative between Poehler and Sebastian Heath at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.
Drawing upon the existing Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project, PALP will enable users to locate artworks geographically and make complex connections between them. The project will allow researchers to ask the questions that are essential in speculative research, from something as simple as searching for the location of every Pompeiian visual representation of Hercules, to a query refining these representations by region, style and architectural setting. Users will be able to view the artworks on a map, search the inventory by keyword and explore different categories of spatial or iconographic relationships.
The goal of PALP is to dramatically increase the number of researchers and members of the public who can access, analyze, interpret, and share the artworks of Pompeii, the most richly documented urban environment of the Roman world.