The University of Massachusetts Amherst


PIT@UMass Announces 2023 Faculty Fellowship Program

PIT@UMass recently announced its 2023 Faculty Fellowship Program, which focuses on addressing complex problems with public interest impacts that will reduce societal disparities through the responsible use of information technologies.

Any tenure and non-tenure track faculty from any UMass Amherst school or college who can serve as the PI of an externally funded grant may apply and proposal teams may request between $5K-$8K (total). Proposers are welcome to use the PIT Fellowship as complementary funding to investments from UMass departments and schools or colleges to incorporate public interest considerations into their work.

NEWS PIT@UMass infographic

As part of the program, Fellows will meet as a cohort and share their work with each other and the campus in private and public events in a format loosely based on Harvard’s Radcliffe Fellowship—known for developing work with both depth and impact. They will join the evolving PIT@UMass community, providing feedback for ongoing efforts, providing role models to students and colleagues interested in PIT research, and helping raise awareness with the broader community.

This year, between seven and eleven fellowships will be awarded with three co-sponsored by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), the Manning College of Information and Computer Science (CICS) and the Marieb College of Nursing.

These three fellowships will be expected to focus on activities specifically related to SBS , CICS or Nursing efforts, respectively. The other Fellowships will be “open” and can apply to various areas. Furthermore, SBS, CICS and Nursing applications will also be considered for these “open” Fellowships.

The application deadline is Feb. 1, 2023. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out no later than March 1, 2023.

To learn more about the program and to apply, visit: