OSHA Summer Summit Held with 400 Safety Professionals from Across the Country
On June 22, UMass Amherst hosted the eighth annual Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Summer Summit virtually with nearly 400 environmental health and safety professionals attending from 42 states, Puerto Rico, Washington D.C. and Canada. The summit held virtually for the second time had a broad variety of breakout sessions of interest to all industries.
Hosted by UMass Amherst Environmental Health and Safety Department, UMass representatives Rob Wallace, Maryanne Steele and Rebeccah Johnson worked closely with representatives from OSHA, the OSHA Training Institute at Keene State College and the Connecticut Valley Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals to provide a full day with something for everyone.
Douglas Parker, assistant secretary of labor for OSHA, provided an OSHA update as the morning keynote and David Sarkus provided the afternoon keynote on “Leading from your Heart.” Attendees chose from 19 presentations for the remaining three breakout sessions including important topics such as human and organizational performance, ladder safety, severe weather safety and many case study sessions.