
Open Access Week at the UMass Amherst Libraries: Building Open Knowledge and Equity

The UMass Amherst Libraries are hosting this year’s Open Access Week from Oct. 25 to 29, with the theme, “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.”

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On Tuesday, Oct. 26 at noon, the virtual keynote address, “Our Tools and Our Values,” will be delivered by Ethan Zuckerman, associate professor of public policy, communication and information, and director of the UMass Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure. Register at the link above.

His talk examines the contradictions between values-led organizations and the values embedded in the technologies they use. Professor Zuckerman will explore ways these conflicts might be resolved. What might a comprehensive digital public infrastructure driven by public values rather than profits look like, and how might it transform the library? How are academic libraries envisioning and engaging to create values-aligned platforms for open scholarly exchange? Martha Fuentes-Bautista, senior lecturer and director of Engaged Research and Learning with the department of communication and the School of Public Policy, will provide a response, followed by a Q&A with participants.

“The movement towards Open Access and Open Scholarship led by scholars like Ethan Zuckerman provides a counterpoint to the endlessly increasing costs related to education,” says Sarah Hutton, interim dean of libraries. “This access to education and knowledge production further strengthens our support of the Commonwealth—and the common good.” 

Open Scholarship Series workshops during Open Access Week:

Monday, Oct. 25, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (virtual):
Sharing and Promoting Your Research: How the Libraries Can Help

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 3-4 p.m. (in person):
Tools for Managing Your Scholarly Identity: Building Your ORCiD Profile

Thursday, Oct. 28, 12-1 p.m. (in person):
Sharing and Promoting Your Research: How the Libraries Can Help


The Libraries have been celebrating Open Access Week since 2008 and are committed to open scholarship and inclusive of open access, open educational resources and open science. The Libraries work to support and advance diverse and equitable participation in the creation and use of knowledge every day throughout the year.