
Office of Faculty Development Launches New Series to Support Non-tenure Track Faculty

The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) is pleased to announce the launch of a new “Supporting Non-tenure Track Faculty” series of events and programs to address the professional development needs of faculty on the continuing appointment track, including clinical faculty, extension faculty and lecturers.

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This programming was developed by Christiane Healey, OFD faculty fellow and senior lecturer. “The series was inspired by the experiences of NTT faculty who generously shared their thoughts in focus groups and through the COACHE survey,” says Healey. “I hope these events offer faculty useful information and a chance to connect with and be inspired by their colleagues!”

OFD offers a range of programming to support the professional growth of all UMass Amherst faculty and to build an inclusive campus community that inspires engagement, scholarly excellence, and leadership.

Supporting Non-tenure Track Faculty Series – Spring 2022:

Mutual Mentoring Groups for Non-tenure Track Faculty

Having a ‘go-to’ mentor network is instrumental to having a successful faculty career, no matter the career stage, or how long you’ve been at UMass. OFD’s mutual mentoring 'incubators' for continuing-track clinical faculty, extension faculty, and lecturers offer the opportunity to build a new network of colleagues for career support. Groups will meet regularly throughout the semester. At each gathering, members will check-in, describe challenges, problem solve and/or share professional development strategies.

Complete this form to indicate interest.

Voices of Non-tenure Track Faculty at UMass Amherst: Findings from Focus Groups and COACHE Survey

Wednesday, Feb.9, 2:30-3:45 p.m. – Zoom

What are the experiences, perspectives, and concerns of non-tenure track faculty at UMass? This presentation will share key findings from the COACHE faculty job satisfaction survey and focus groups, and provide an interactive space to discuss these findings. Themes include mentoring, teaching, service, promotion, departmental collegiality and engagement, and career development.

Pathways to Leadership: A Panel Discussion with Non-tenure Track Faculty Leaders

Friday, March 4, 3-4:30 p.m. – Location TBD

This event will include a moderated panel of non-tenure track campus leaders who will share insights about their professional journey and illuminate their pathways to leadership within higher education. There will be time for discussion and questions. All faculty are welcome.

Identify Your Mentoring Needs and Expand Your Mentoring Network

Friday, March 25, 1:30-3:00 p.m. – Zoom

Whether you are a lecturer, clinical or extension professor, or have another non-tenure track title, your needs for mentoring change in every stage of your academic career. As you continue to adapt to work and life disruptions, connecting with mentors whose expertise matches your development goals is very important. Clarifying your current needs and mapping a diverse array of mentors to meet them are keys to your academic success and well-being.  

Planning for a Professional Improvement Leave Fellowship

Wednesday, April 6, 2:30-3:30 p.m. – Zoom

Are you considering applying for a Professional Improvement Leave Fellowship (PIL) in the fall? In this workshop, you will learn about the application process, characteristics of what makes a successful application, and strategies for having a productive leave. The session will provide time for questions and discussion.

PILs provide a one-semester release for select non-tenure track faculty who have achieved the rank of senior lecturer or above or have six or more years of full-time equivalent service in an extension or clinical title. Applications become available each September, with a submission deadline in November, for fellowships which take place the following year.