Obituary: Masha Rudman, Professor Emerita of Education
Masha Kabakow Rudman died at home in Amherst on Wednesday, January 30, after a long illness. She was born in the Bronx, New York, on January 16, 1933 to Benedict and Rose (Wolf) Kabakow.
She attended Hunter High School and Hunter College in New York City. A supporter of civil rights throughout her life, she became an early member of the NAACP while at Hunter College. Rudman's career in education began when she taught elementary school in the Bronx and she later received her doctorate in education at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
She began teaching as an instructor at UMass in 1965, where she remained until her retirement in 2009. As a professor of education, she won both the Distinguished Teacher Award and the Outstanding Teacher Award. Well-known in the education community for her groundbreaking work in the integrated day program, children's literature and multiculturalism, reading instruction and teaching methods, she also wrote several editions of Children's Literature: An Issues Approach. She co-authored numerous popular and scholarly books and articles. Rudman hosted a well- attended and influential children's literature conference, first with the Author Jane Yolen, at UMass.
Rudman is survived by her three daughters: Rachel Rudman of Amherst, MA, Reva Rudman of NY, NY and Debbie Rudman of Philadelphia PA; her two sons-in-law John Garber and Jim Brossy and her sister Sunny Fischer of Evanston, IL. She was predeceased by her husband of 44 Years, Sy Rudman, her sister Sara Mandell and her brother Don Kabakow.
A memorial celebration of her life will be held at Congregation B'nai Israel, 253 Prospect St., Northampton MA 01060, on Sunday, March 31, 2019, from noon to 3 p.m. Memorial donations may be made in support of the Masha Rudman Issues in Children's Literature Collection. Checks can be made to Library Collections W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Room 415, UMass Amherst, Amherst Ma 01003-9275. Donations can also be made to Amherst Meals on Wheels.