The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Old Chapel with flowers in the foreground
Honors and Awards

Nominations Open for 2024-25 Gerald F. Scanlon Student Employee of the Year Award

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The Student Employment Office invites the UMass community to submit nominations for the 2024-25 Gerald F. Scanlon Student Employee of the Year Award, which honors students who have demonstrated exceptional performance by contributing their time and skills to help the university achieve its goals and objectives.

Departmental supervisors may nominate any currently enrolled undergraduate student who has been employed by the university for at least six months, who is in good academic standing and meets nomination criteria. Selection criteria include dependability, demonstrated initiative and original contributions to the workplace.

The deadline to submit nominations for the Scanlon Student Employee of the Year Award is Monday, Feb. 10.

An award ceremony is held at the end of the spring semester to celebrate the 10 award winners, who will each be presented with a certificate and monetary award.

More information about the award and nomination criteria can be found on the Student Employment Office website. Any questions regarding the award can be directed to Maggie Spring, assistant director of financial aid services and customer relations, at