
New Survey of Massachusetts City and Town Administrators Measures COVID Pandemic’s Impact on Municipalities

UMass Amherst researchers find 60% are confident in their municipality’s vaccine preparedness, while similar percentage said businesses were significantly or severely impacted by the pandemic
Marta Vicarelli
Marta Vicarelli

Delivering COVID vaccinations to their residents has become a top priority among Massachusetts municipal administrators, and the majority surveyed by researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst are confident in their towns’ and cities’ abilities to provide the potentially life-saving shots.

As outlined in an executive summary released today, a survey of the membership of the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic found 60% of cities and towns in the Bay State definitely have the ability to administer vaccines, and another 9% probably do. Only 8% of municipalities reported that they definitely do not have the ability to administer vaccines, and 13% probably do not.

However, while 75% of municipalities reported having enough financial resources to start vaccination clinics, 72% indicated that they do not have access to sufficient vaccine supply. In response to an open-ended survey question asking what the most helpful resource would be to support municipal vaccine distribution efforts, 63% of respondents identified a larger and more continuous vaccine supply as the most important resource. When asked to share additional thoughts or feedback about vaccination planning and implementation in their municipalities, 20% of respondents identified the redirection of vaccines to mass statewide sites (from local/municipal vaccination clinics) as the main impediment to municipal vaccination planning and implementation process. Several respondents reported concerns about equitable access to vaccines in rural versus urban areas of Massachusetts, and some municipalities indicated that they may be forced to close their vaccination clinics because of lack of vaccine supply.

Cooperation has proven key to the municipal response to the pandemic, as 73% of the survey’s respondents have developed local or regional partnerships with other institutions (hospitals, higher education institutions, EMS, Councils on Aging, etc.) and 62% have developed local partnerships with neighboring municipalities.

In order to better assist their residents, 81% have a page on their municipal website providing regular, updated information on vaccinations, 61% have volunteers to assist with vaccination registration and scheduling by phone and 59% have developed outreach and education programs about COVID-19 and vaccination. More than 40% of municipalities have developed services to support vaccinations for elderly and vulnerable populations, including transportation to and from vaccination sites and the ability to provide vaccinations at home.

Under the direction of principal investigator Marta Vicarelli, assistant professor of economics and public policy, the UMass Amherst School of Public Policy’s Socioeconomic Policy Lab conducted a survey of city and town administrators from Feb. 22-March 2. The survey was distributed online by the MMA to the municipal leaders in each of Massachusetts’ 351 cities and towns, and exactly one-third (117) responded. Two town managers, two mayors and members of the MMA leadership team assisted the UMass team in the survey’s development.

The survey asked questions covering eight areas: the impacts on municipal operations; the strategies adopted by municipalities in their emergency response and current priorities; funding and financial impacts on municipal budgets; vaccine preparedness, planning and best practices; equity indicators used in monitoring the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis; impacts on vulnerable populations, in particular food and housing security; impacts on local businesses; and possible strategies for an inclusive and sustainable post-COVID socio-economic recovery.

In addition to preparing for vaccine distribution, the survey found that the top priority areas of municipalities in relation to COVID-19 are enhancing public health and safety protocols in order to facilitate the continuity of in-person learning, and tackling municipal budget and finance challenges.

Vaccinations will be key to addressing the local economic impact created by the pandemic, as 59% of Massachusetts municipalities reported significant to severe impacts to local businesses associated with the COVID-19 crisis, with the strongest impacts on small businesses. Over 70% of municipalities reported that at least half of hospitality businesses and small businesses had to limit operations, and over 35% of municipalities reported that at least 10% of businesses in these categories had to permanently close. Over 55% of municipalities reported that at least half of retail businesses and service businesses had to limit operations, and a quarter of municipalities reported that at least 10% of these businesses had to permanently close.

Post-pandemic, 32% of municipalities reported having internally discussed the possibility of a “green recovery,” aiming for low-carbon economic growth that prioritizes renewable energy, energy efficiency, green transportation and other environmentally-beneficial projects. More than 90% of the survey’s respondents indicated moderate to strong interest in investments in installing more renewable energy capacity, investing in electric vehicle charging infrastructure and nature-based solutions to enhance water security, climate resilience, climate adaptation and disaster risk-reduction.

“This survey allowed our team to collect abundant data and we plan to pursue our analysis toward the publication of a research paper that includes also spatial analyses,” Vicarelli says. “This will allow us to assess how needs, priorities and resources are distributed across Massachusetts municipalities as they respond to the COVID-19 crisis. We will also focus on recovery plans and we will examine how optimal recovery strategies may differ across municipalities with different characteristics and needs. We hope that our work will contribute to inform effective socio-economic recovery strategies toward a sustainable, resilient, and inclusive future.”

The complete survey of Massachusetts municipalities, “Impacts of COVID-19 and Recovery Strategies,” can be found online on the School of Public Policy’s website.