Nagurney Delivers Omega Rho Distinguished Lecture at INFORMS Conference

Anna Nagurney
Anna Nagurney

Anna Nagurney, the John F. Smith Memorial Professor of Operations Management at the Isenberg School of Management, delivered the Omega Rho Distinguished Lecture at the INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on Nov. 4.

Her lecture, “Networks to Save the World: OR in Action,” provided a panoramic view of networks from models to applications, beginning with the Braess paradox in transportation, to supply chains in energy and food to healthcare and disaster relief.  

She ended with a discussion of her recent work on cybersecurity including a description of an NSF-funded Future Internet Architecture project (ChoiceNet) with principal investigator Tilman Wolf of the College of Engineering and collaborators at multiple universities.

According to INFORMS, the Omega Rho lecture series is among the most prestigious in the world. The lectures have been presented as plenaries at ORSA/TIMS and INFORMS meetings since 1983.

Previous Omega Rho Lecturers have included several Nobel laureates in economic sciences, leading faculty at MIT, Yale, Stanford, UPenn and other universities, as well as corporate leaders and government officials.