Music, Resistance and Social Movements
Join A Yęmisi Jimoh, Tom Juravich and Jerry Levinsky in a conversation about how music has been and continues to be a vital part of social movements. This community event will specifically explore the question “What role has music played in peoples' historic and current struggles?”
Professor A Yęmisi Jimoh is an educator, leader and scholar. She is on the faculty in the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies. A literary and cultural analyst, she focuses her scholarship and teaching on African American culture and literary studies.
Professor Tom Juravich studies work, workers and the labor movement. He joined the UMass Labor Center in 1993, serving as director from 1996 to 2007 and from 2016 to 2018. A singer and songwriter, Juravich’s latest recordings include “Altar of the Bottom Line” and “Tangled in Our Dreams” (with Teresa Healy).
Jerry Levinsky teaches part-time in the labor studies program. He is a member of the UUUC Labor Chorus Organizing Team, and currently serves as the Chair of the Education Committee of the Western Mass Area Labor Federation (AFL-CIO).
Registration is free and required. Register now at:
This is part of an ongoing event series called “Building Our Movements: The Power of Song” brought to campus by Building Bridges and the UMass Unions United Labor Chorus.
Co-sponsors include the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies, the Labor Center, The Partnership for Worker Education (human resources), the Office of Equity and Inclusion, Civic Engagement and Service-Learning, Commonwealth Honors College, the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and department of social thought and political economy.
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