Mosselson to Serve on INEE Education Policy Working Group
Jacqueline Mosselson, associate professor of educational policy, research and administration, has been invited as a representative of the College of Education to serve as a member of the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies’ (INEE) 2018-2020 Education Policy Working Group (EPWG).
Mosselson is currently a visiting research fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre, Department of International Development, University of Oxford.
The Education Policy Working Group’s core purpose is to create evidence and knowledge regarding the provision of education in conflict-affected and fragile contexts, to inform policies, planning, and practices of field practitioners, education ministries, donors, and implementing agencies. INEE is a network of more than 14,000 individual members and 130 partner organizations in 190 countries.
INEE members are practitioners working for national and international NGOs and UN agencies, ministry of education and other government personnel, donors, students, teachers, and researchers who voluntarily join in the work related to education in emergencies. INEE serves its members through community building, convening diverse stakeholders, knowledge management, advocating and amplifying ideas and knowledge, facilitating collective action, and providing members with the resources and support they need to carry out their work on education in emergencies