McClements Contributes to Special Publication on Food Innovation
David Julian McClements, Distinguished Professor of Food Science, was invited to contribute the Concluding Article in a special issue of the Nutrition Bulletin, “Food reformulation and innovation: Future solutions for healthier and more sustainable diets.”
The free, open-access publication explores the challenges facing the modern food supply, including the impacts of saturated fat, salt and sugar on human health and the need for more sustainable protein sources.
In the issue’s Concluding Article, “Future food: Is it possible to design a healthier and more sustainable food supply?,” McClements highlights recent advances in the science and technology of foods, including gene editing, nanotechnology, personalized nutrition, artificial intelligence and structural design principles.
“One of the main purposes of the article is to stimulate further research in this important area so that technological advances can be made more quickly and applied more effectively,” says McClements, author of the book “Future Foods: How Modern Science is Transforming the Way We Eat.”
Nutritional Bulletin also posted a video featuring presentations by selected authors, including McClements, whose talk begins at 39:10. McClements says food scientists can offer long-term strategies to help create a healthier and more sustainable food supply.
“The way we currently produce and market the foods we all need is causing major health problems, as well as damaging our environment,” McClements says. “Science and technology can help to solve these problems.”