Male Volunteers with Knee Osteoarthritis Needed

Researchers in the kinesiology department are looking for male volunteers with knee pain due to osteoarthritis to participate in a research study.

Volunteers will be asked to make one trip to the Institute for Applied Life Sciences Human Testing Center on campus where they will undergo an MRI of their knee and walk on a treadmill in a motion-capture lab. The study takes approximately 4 hours.

To qualify for this study you must:

  • Be 50-80 years old
  • Have knee osteoarthritis and accompanying knee pain
  • Be able to walk unaided for 40 minutes

Participants will receive a copy of their MRI and a $50 stipend for participating in this study. If interested, contact Ethan from the Musculoskeletal Orthopedic Biomechanics Lab at 413/545-4421 or