Louise Antony Named 2022 Patrick Romanell Lecturer by the American Philosophical Association
Louise Antony, philosophy, has been named the 2022 Romanell Lecturer on philosophical naturalism by the American Philosophical Association (APA). The Patrick Romanell Lecture is presented annually at a divisional meeting of the APA on the topic of philosophical naturalism.
The selection committee writes, “Throughout her career, Antony’s work in the philosophy of mind, epistemology, philosophy of religion and feminism has exhibited a commitment to naturalism. From issues of concept acquisition, mental causation, the nature of mental representation, and the relation between language and mind to considerations of gender and morality, Antony strives to solve philosophical problems from a methodological point of view that remains true to what we can know empirically about ourselves and the world around us.”
For more information about the prize, see www.apaonline.org/page/romanell.
For more information about Prof. Antony, see www.apaonline.org/page/2021prizes-s.