Landscape Services Selling Plants to Benefit the Student Care Supply Closet

Rex begonia "red bull"
Rex begonia "red bull"

Landscape services is hosting a Mother’s Day and spring plant sale on Wednesday, May 6. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Student Care Supply Closet. They will be selling plants which would have been used in the commencement ceremony.

Shade-loving annuals available include rex begonia “red bull” for $10 and Gigantic Boston ferns for $25 each. The sun-loving include mixed baskets of yellow or white flowers for $10 each.

Limited quantities are available, payment must be made by credit or debit card and orders must be placed in advance by calling Kathy Dion at (413) 362-5234. Pickup will be on the Haigis Mall from 9 to 11 a.m. on May 6.