Korina Jocson Elected as Trustee of the National Council of Teachers of English’s Research Foundation

Korina Jocson
Korina Jocson

Korina Jocson, associate professor of social justice education, has been elected to the position of Trustee of the National Council of Teachers of English’s (NCTE) Research Foundation. The NCTE Research Foundation was founded to “improve the quality of instruction in English at all educational levels; to encourage research experimentation, and investigation in the teaching of English; to facilitate professional cooperation of the members; to hold public discussions and programs; to sponsor the publication of desirable articles and reports; and to integrate the improvement of instruction in English.”

Central to Jocson’s work are arts-informed sociocultural approaches that examine youth literacies and issues of equity among historically marginalized youth. Recent studies have focused on the intersection of literary and media arts, information and communication technologies, and school-community connections as a way to understand (and further enable) culturally responsive pedagogies across educational settings. Jocson primarily engages in qualitative inquiry and collaborates with educators and cultural workers to support youth's academic, career and life trajectories.