Jennifer Friedman Appointed Interim Dean of the Libraries
John McCarthy, provost and senior vice chancellor, in consultation with Tricia Serio, provost-elect, has appointed Jennifer Friedman, associate dean of research and learning in the Libraries, as interim dean of the Libraries for the month of July.
“Friedman has experience at a number of research university libraries, including Harvard and MIT. She is well prepared to fulfill this interim role in advance of the arrival of our new dean,” said John McCarthy, provost.
Prior to joining the University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries in 2016, Friedman navigated across library organizations via several positions in multiple departments, including the management of research services, collections, access services and technical services. In her last position at the University of South Florida, she was the assistant director of research services, where she is proud of her leadership role in the year-and-a-half-long collaborative project across the division re-evaluating the academic liaison program to develop a vision and strategic plan for the future of the program.
Nandita Mani will begin as Dean of the Libraries on August 1.
The Office of the Provost thanks Sarah Hutton for her excellent service as interim dean during the past year.